How Do I Find My NMFC Code? And How It Affects Rates

Resources > How Do I Find My NMFC Code? And How It Affects Rates
NMFC codes can be difficult to find. With our help, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to find the right one for the commodities you want to transport.
Published: October 4, 2023
Last Modified: March 12, 2025
Author: Jacob Lee

Shippers often struggle when faced with determining the right NMFC code for their freight. The wrong number can lead to shipping delays, unexpected costs, and even shipment refusals by carriers. This makes it essential to ensure your freight is correctly classified. 

Key Takeaways:

  • NMFC Codes are organized by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) and used to classify Less-than-Truckload (LTL) freight. 
  • Obtaining the correct National Motor Freight Classification number starts with consulting available NMFTA resources. 
  • Density is the greatest factor affecting NMFC Codes, but handling, stowability, and shipment liability can impact the final determination. 
  • Proper packing and securing methods can get you a better NMFC code with regard to shipping cost by lowering the assigned freight class used to assign rates. 

We’ll show you how your NMFC code is determined and how it can influence the overall cost of a shipment.   

4 Steps to Determine What Your NMFC Code Will Be

National Motor Freight Classification numbers, or NMFC codes, are used to price the shipping rates of LTL freight. These five- to six-digit codes are actually assigned by carriers, but shippers can still follow a few simple steps to narrow down the possibilities.  

1. Check with the NMFTA

Companies should start looking for their NMFC numbers by consulting the NMFTA. This is the trade organization that oversees these codes, and they are used by all major LTL carriers in the United States. 

They keep an extensive directory of NMFC numbers and corresponding freight, ensuring fair rates throughout the industry.  

Other useful resources the NMFTA offers include: 

  • Expert assistance
  • Training materials
  • Updates and changes on classifications

With the help of NMFTA resources, shippers will have the materials they need to find their NMFC numbers. 

2. Asses Shipment Details Contributing to Classification 

The next step for shippers is to consider the details regarding their load. Aside from a shipment’s density (which I’ll get to in the next section), the NMFTA’s classification system takes into account the following details: 

  • Fragility
  • Weight
  • Perishability
  • Packaging 
  • Special handling requirements

All of these variables can play a factor in determining the right NMFC code. Because the system breaks down product categories, it’s possible for similar items to still have different numbers assigned.  

This could make it easy for products to be mislabeled. Therefore, each code should be carefully compared to the commodity being transported. 

3. Calculate the Density of the Cargo

Density is actually the greatest factor in determining an NMFC code. To find out the density of their cargo, shippers will need a few key pieces of information about their freight.

This includes:

  • Weight 
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height

Businesses must get the weight of their commodity in pounds; just be sure to do this with a fully packed shipment, including the pallet base if used. Next, businesses will need to determine the height, length, and width of their freight in inches. 

Multiply these dimensions together and divide the result by 1,728, which is the amount of cubic inches in a cubic foot. This amount will be the volume of the commodity. 

To calculate the density, simply divide the shipment’s weight by the calculated volume. There are various freight calculators available to help you with the math itself. Be sure to always check your numbers, since reporting the wrong density can lead to incorrect NMFC codes and may result in additional fees.  

Related: Freight Density: How it Shapes Your Shipping Strategy

4. Find the Correct Freight Class Based On Density

After determining the density, shippers can use it to find which freight class their shipment is most likely to be labeled as. The NMFTA classification system has 18 different levels based on density range. These start at Class 50 (most dense, least expensive), all the way to Class 500 (least dense, most expensive).

Generally, the lower the density, the higher the class and vice versa. It’s a good idea for shippers to check their estimates against information provided by the NMFTA. They provide lists with examples of common item densities and their correct freight classes. Consulting this information will help ensure you’re on the right track 

Completing the four steps we’ve discussed here will get you close to estimating what your freight class, and therefore your freight rate, will be. However, as far as the exact NMFC code, that can only be assigned by an LTL carrier. 

You’ll be able to see it on your shipping documents, and you should keep a record of what codes are used. This is especially true if you happen to be contracting with multiple carriers. 

Our article on LTL freight class vs NMFC will show you the difference between these two terms and how they impact the shipping industry.

How Do NMFC Codes Affect Price?

There are four factors that determine how NFMC codes will impact the shipping price of certain commodities. These factors can also change the freight class assigned to your shipment, which in turn affects price. 

These are:

  • Density
  • Handling needs
  • Stowability
  • Liability

I’ve already explained that density is the main determiner of freight class, so this should come as no surprise. However, it’s the other three factors that impact whether the density-based class remains the same for your final rate quote. 

An illustration of the four shipping factors impacting NMFC codes, pictured from left to right, density shown through a comparison of used space, handling needs shown in an image of a hand holding a box, stowability shown as two boxes stacked on a forklift, and liability shown as a box falling and causing damage to itself.


Goods that are harder to load or unload come with higher shipping expenses. The same is true for NMFC coded items that require special accommodations during transit. 

For instance, a pallet of flat screen TVs may be dense, but because it needs to be handled more carefully, and likely can’t be double stacked, it will be more expensive to move.  


The stowability of freight refers to how easy or hard it is to load and transport cargo with other commodities. Businesses who ship items that are difficult to store with other loads are likely to spend more on transport costs. 

This could be goods requiring specific temperatures or even certain types of hazardous material. 


Every kind of cargo carries some degree of liability during transit. In this case, we’re referring to items with a higher than usual risk of being stolen or damaged. 

Higher risks may mean the need for additional security measures, different types of packing, or specific securing methods during transport. It also increases the likelihood of a shipper needing to file a freight claim against the carrier. 

Consider that LTL shipping has some of the highest rates of damage in the freight industry, mostly due to the increased number of touchpoints. Anything that can bring down the risk of damage and decrease liability, is a good thing. 

Let’s examine the average amount that gets paid per claim, as well as the number of claims that end up uncovered to give you a better idea.   

A two column table shows common damage statistics for LTL freight based on data from 2022. The average payout claim was $4,583. The percentage of claims that were paid or covered was 66%. Average out-of-pocket expenses for claims were $1,511. The average late fee charged due to damages being dealt with was $477.

Officially assigned NMFC codes, which are based on freight classes, will raise or lower the class used to charge you based on such factors. Let’s go back to the example of needing to ship a pallet of flat screen TVs. 

Based on density, the shipment might fall into class 250, which is already fairly expensive. However, due to increased handling and liability for such a shipment, you might be charged as though it was class 300, increasing your rate further. 

Best Practices When Using NMFC Codes

Not including NMFC codes or using the wrong one on your freight shipping documents can lead to dire consequences for shippers. Fortunately, following a few simple tips and good practices will ensure the right number is always given. 

  • Staying updated on NMFC Changes: Revisions happen periodically as products change and adjustments to shipping methods are needed. The NMFTA has newsletters and blogs that carriers and businesses can subscribe to.
  • Keep Your Shipment Records: At minimum, you should keep a digital record log of which NMFC codes have applied to shipments in the past. This will help you track any potential changes or even make rate disputes easier to resolve. 
  • Use Proper Packing Methods: The materials and methods used can impact your shipment’s density and stowability. Choose the right materials to create a balance between security and weight. 
  • Palletize Your Freight: Even large household appliances, such as washers and dryers, will be easier to handle and move when attached to a pallet and can qualify for a more cost-effective NMFC code.
  • Include NMFC Codes on the Bill of Lading (BoL): Once a specific shipment has been assigned a code, make sure to include it in the BoL to avoid getting freight reclassified during transloading or similar operations. 

As always, we recommend working with a trusted carrier directly or working out a contract with a freight broker. In both cases, ensure the company or individual is working with the NMFTA by following their LTL freight rate guidelines. 

Learn How To Find NMFC Codes with USA Truckload Shipping

Understanding the process used for finalizing NMFC codes can be a serious challenge. At USA Truckload, we have a team of logistics experts that will ensure your LTL freight is properly classified and quoted. 

All you have to do is schedule a consultation with one of our shipping professionals. You can also access some of our other services.

These include:

  • Truckload Shipping: A solution tailored for your bulk shipping needs, ensuring timely and secure delivery.
  • Drayage: Facilitating quick and efficient transport of goods over short distances, seamlessly connecting different transportation modes.
  • Expedited Freight: For those urgent shipments, we offer a swift, reliable, and time-bound service that prioritizes your cargo.

If you’re ready to use our services, then fill out your RFP today. Our team can also be reached at (866) 353-7178 if you have any questions or concerns.

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